Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all the territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
Section 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
At this time, after a year of ratification, alcohol shall be illegal in drinking purposes. It will be a federal law and can be enforced by the jurisdiction of each State. It was to be nullified if seven years had passed after submission.
This video is a good short movie clipper that describes why the 18th amendment was so important. I can understand the government's desire to try and ban alcohol with the negative effects that comes with it, drunk husbands beating their wives. It's true that alcohol has negative effects on those that abuse it and some use it everyday like a drug. The government should have done a check on how many citizens use alcohol and realized that this would not have worked, it was a nice theory, comparatively to communism (nice on paper, terrible in practice) However some were not happy that the ban would soon be repealed but the government realized that they could not keep the 18th amendment up due to the amount of heightened crime, secret organizations, mafia involvement and rebellion against the government because they took the alcohol away. However, I think it a fine example of when the people control the government and not the other way around like it usually is, even in today's society.
This video is a good short movie clipper that describes why the 18th amendment was so important. I can understand the government's desire to try and ban alcohol with the negative effects that comes with it, drunk husbands beating their wives. It's true that alcohol has negative effects on those that abuse it and some use it everyday like a drug. The government should have done a check on how many citizens use alcohol and realized that this would not have worked, it was a nice theory, comparatively to communism (nice on paper, terrible in practice) However some were not happy that the ban would soon be repealed but the government realized that they could not keep the 18th amendment up due to the amount of heightened crime, secret organizations, mafia involvement and rebellion against the government because they took the alcohol away. However, I think it a fine example of when the people control the government and not the other way around like it usually is, even in today's society.
The political cartoon below is a good example of all the negative connotations and outcomes of the use of alcohol, a reason why the government wanted to ban it. However, that was a good that developed high revenue in the supply and demand area, it being a constant item on the shelf for people to buy and they did buy. Taking away something that so many of the American citizens use made a small problem that of something so much worse. This cartoon can also describe the prohibition with instead of alcohol, the liquid is blood and the bottle is turned over because it has been banned and these were the negative effects of banning alcohol. It, like the prohibition, depend solely on who and how one looks at it but there is negativity in it regardless.
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