The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

As a lover of expression through art (dancing, painting, music etc.) this music video describes very well the suffrage movement and what women had to go through to be ever counted as a citizen of the US. Sung to the tune of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, the Women's Suffrage video shows that all women wanted then and today is equality to men. Women's votes were however only a single small step.

Now ladies are having to push themselves in being able to be better than men because equality is a utopian idea. Men get better paychecks, are thought more in politics, education,and in the workplace. Honestly, I am a person of old faiths that sometimes it is best for women to be seen and not heard, and to take care of their families. That was a system and it worked. However this doesn't mean that the woman cannot do all that is in her power to make hers, her husbands, and her family's life better by bringing home more income to the household, perhaps not as much as her male counterpart, but enough to maintain a good life with the freedom that most men have. This modern society it feels as though women are equal to men but equality, I think in the purest of sense for it, cannot exist. One is going to be greater than the other or weaker in some regards; education, workforce, etc. The video below shows just that. However I am grateful of the turning point of how women were viewed back in 1920 and how women are viewed today.

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