No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened

The pay of Congress cannot be changed until the House have had a say. 

Except this amendment doesn't really stay in effect as the compensation of the Congress has been rising since that of Washington's time. The Congressional pay is also so much more than that of the average citizen. But why? What is sitting around making decisions being so hard and strenuous that the people have to be compensated more than four times what the average US citizen makes to support themselves? How is saying yes or no harder than working day and night to days again in physical agony just to provide a life for their family? I don't understand the system of pay in this country.

Obama even is giving more pay. This amendment clearly is being ignored and because it is by the Congress, no one does anything about it because it affects themselves instead of those around them. That greed and need of money money money is what corrupts our government and the fact that all politics is is who has more money and what they can do with it. I don't support their raising of their wages when so many American citizens cannot even afford transportation to earn a decent living; we are scraping by while those under Congressional roofs sip liquid gold from porcelain cups, sponging out any resources for American citizens to better themselves, because all that money goes to Congress by the ruling of themselves. How is that at all fair?

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