Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Voting privileges cannot be denied based on race (i.e. African Americans to White) or any condition of previous labour forced. By this law, Congress shall enforce this power.

Oh that lovely satire. I feel like this amendment kinda goes hand in hand in stereotypical life in any kind of racism. The manner in which some go through a voting line comparatively to the airport security. Some, based on their race, will get stopped and treated differently in the line than say that of a white male with land. Comparing the simple "Yes you can vote. Make it more fair by the ratio of people living in america to the person ruling over it." I feel that when this amendment was ratified, the amount of brown nosing for votes exponentially grew because there were still racial issues and those that did not agree with the demographic of voters within the new forced understanding or toleration of the different races. The baby kissing, hand shaking electees still happen today, that's basic politics. "People need to be educated before they vote." That education will definitely factor in any vote given; if one is more ignorant than one is more susceptible to overlapping issues that are sugarcoated to make the citizen happy and to gain those votes. Vice versa, if the educational system is making the politics more apparent and understood, the person then has a stronger mind against any issues they can recognize. After working so hard to get equality in voting, not farther gotten until the 19th amendment (take a look at that for a great video) many, including myself, do not involve themselves much in politics because they do not think their vote will count as much as anything. Injustice still happens. Corruption is voted in all the time. Giving more people the right to vote gives a more spread of being able to twist the brains of every person listening until what they want is gotten.

Entitlement. Not a right that worked so hard to achieve. A nose-stuck-up in the air saying how much better one is because they changed the constitution with their rebellion and striking. The right to vote is a government benefit in it that the more voters there are to vote, the more votes that can be gotten based on what is best said or done "You're Beautiful, let me kiss your baby." We are sheep. We follow what is popular or what we think is popular. There is no entitlement. The whole reason for the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment were to gain equality for the men of the US. The superior entitlement makes others think that because they suffered they have a higher need to have the best of everything, even as basic as a vote in government. That is why there is still racism, (a small part at least) because of actions like that where equality exists but only underneath that person.

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