The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Any power not seperated into the government falls with the people.

Like the 9th amendment, this amendement is given towards the people in saying that the government does not have sole power in the United States. There are unalienable rights for a person, however in regards to the 10th amendment, the government puts its say in any where it can, pushing the American citizen where it thinks it should go.

For example, as citizens of USA we have the "right" to work in any place we want. However, with taxes and other expenditures that the government implements, any said job may not give enough pay to support a life of living, instead it is barely a life of survival or not enough to survive at all. We have the right to live in any place we want. Well no that isn't true either because of the rules and regulations the government applies for different areas of the United States. So really, I believe that the government still has more power of a regular citizen of America.

The government is always going to hold a higher power. Congress has a large pay and standard of living but an American citizen is stuck under minimum wage and little benefits that are given in a job needed to support their right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. It is never going to be an equal amount of rights or power or fulfilling that American dream because the government takes more than it gives.

Above shows a good metaphor of kissing the government's feet as you crawl on the ground just trying to survive. We can't really do anything about the government as that falls under treason and as independent as people want to believe they are, most are sheep, following what comes next. If you do not question the government,you are a sheep.

President Obama's Healthcare is also an example. Let us, the government, give you health insurance for a large price and other forms of payment, but hey you can say you have health insurance and can finally go get that growth checked out.

It shouldn't work like that.

But this society is not anywhere near a utopian society where the survival of a person falls in the hands of their social standing and money and ability to fall under favor of the United States government.

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